• Will I get support at College?

The learner development classes have lower numbers than mainstream courses and the pace of the lessons will be much more measured.   Our lecturers are experienced in working with students who present with a wide range of additional support needs and who will differentiate their lessons appropriately.

If you require 1-to-1 support for personal care, or any other reasons, then this is not something which is provided by FE colleges.  To arrange this, you would need to set this up yourself through a registered care agency.  Many students ask the local social work department to help with this process.

  • What if I want to come to college in future but I’m not ready to leave school yet?

You should speak to your pastoral care teacher to discuss whether we could invite you to attend some taster sessions/a school link programme while you’re still at school.  That way, the move to a full-time course next year will be easier.

  • Will I be able to apply for transport through the college?

Any Further Education (FE) student who cannot use public transport for medical reasons will be required to submit a letter from a GP to confirm this.  If you are a returning student and this information is already on file, this will not be required again.  You will also be required to submit your most recent PIP award.  

  • Will I get a bursary or funding to come to college?

For information on funding and fees, go to https://www.westcollegescotland.ac.uk/students/funding-fee-support/

This is also a useful website: https://www.studentinformation.gov.scot/

You can also contact the funding department directly at studentfunding@wcs.ac.uk or on 01475 553150.