Course Overview


The NPA in Data Science provides foundation knowledge and skills in data science to increase awareness of the discipline among learners and provide practical skills in data analysis. The qualification will also raise awareness of the societal aspects of this important, emerging technology


No previous experience of data science or statistics is required (at any level). However, direct entry to higher levels (particularly Level 6) will require appropriate computational and numeracy skills. Level 4 and Level 5 may be entered directly without previous experience of the subject area; it is recommended that learners undertake the Level 5 before attempting Level 6, however direct entry to Level 6 is possible for suitably qualified learners.

Given the multi-disciplinary nature of data science, a wide range of subjects may provide the necessary foundation for attempting this award.


This qualification is suitable for a wide range of learners including adults who wish to retrain in this field and people in employment who wish to acquire data skills. The entry requirements for these learners will vary from learner to learner, depending on their individuals experiences and motivations.


Date: next date to be confirmed



For further information on this course contact or call 0141 581 2121