Bursary/Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)

Bursary and EMA support may be available for full time NC level courses.

Bursary and EMA is included in the one application. Students under the age of 18 on the start date of their course will be assessed for EMA, which is currently awarded at £30 per week depending on household income.

Students aged 18 and over at the start date of the course will be assessed for a Bursary Maintenance Allowance which is awarded depending on household income. Examples of current rates are as follows:

  • Parentally Supported - £99.35 per week
  • Self-Supporting - £125.55 per week
  • Care Experienced - £225 per week
  • Students remaining on Universal Credit - £28 per week

In addition to maintenance allowance students may also qualify for study expenses and/or travelling expenses which will be assessed at time of application assessment.  A maximum of £60 per week travel is available depending on mileage from campus to home.  Students must live over 2 miles walking distance from their campus to be eligible for travel funds.

Led by the Scottish Government, young people in Scotland aged under 22 years old are entitled to free bus travel. To access the scheme, you must apply for a National Entitlement Card (NEC). Further information and how to apply can be found at https://www.transport.gov.scot/concessionary-travel/young-persons-free-bus-travel-scheme .

Further expenses for those students with additional support needs may also be available upon request.

Accommodation/Discretionary Fund

This assistance from the Discretionary Fund is intended to aid those students who are responsible for the mortgage or rental cost of the property they reside in whilst studying.

  • Students studying at both FE and HE level courses can apply.
  • Responsible student must be named on the mortgage or tenancy agreement for the property.
  • All household income is taken into consideration when assessing eligibility for this fund. Students that have a household income above £34,000 will not be considered.
  • Students who claim housing benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit will not be eligible.
  • HN level students must be awarded all funding they are eligible for from SAAS to be eligible.
  • £60 per week maximum allowance will be awarded to eligible students.

Childcare Fund

Students who require assistance with childcare costs to allow them to attend college can apply to the Childcare Fund for support.

  • Childcare costs can only be paid to registered childcare providers.
  • All household income is taken into consideration when assessing eligibility for this fund. Students that have a household income above £34,000 will not be considered.
  • The fund can only cover childcare costs for the days students are timetabled to attend college and course placement days. 
  • The maximum allowance that will be paid for the academic year per student is £7,000.  The maximum allowance is not per child.
  • Only those students who qualify for bursary support at FE level and students at HE level who qualify for funding from SAAS/SLC can apply to the Childcare Fund for support.

Payments are made directly to your childcare provider every fortnight, in arrears, provided you have met the minimum requirements of satisfactory attendance, conduct and full engagement on your course in each week. The expectation is that you will attend all your timetabled classes and use where necessary the procedure to cover any absences you may have had.  Unsatisfactory reports will result in non-payment of funds for the period reviewed. Part payment for part engagement of any week will not be made.

Part-time Study

Certain categories of part–time students on non-advanced courses may apply for assistance with study and travel costs.  Some students with childcare costs may apply for assistance.