College administered funding is assessed and processed through the Student Funding Department here at West College Scotland at both non-advanced (FE) and advanced (HE) levels.  HE college administered funding only includes childcare and accommodation assistance.

Funding is an allowance requiring satisfactory attendance, conduct and full engagement on your course in each week. The expectation is that you will attend all your timetabled classes and use where necessary the college attendance procedure to cover any absences you may have had.  Unsatisfactory reports will result in non-payment of funds for the period reviewed.

Funds are assessed following Scottish Funding Council policy criteria. Anyone who satisfies the residential requirements can apply for funding. In most cases, if you have been ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom for the last 3 years and are resident in Scotland on the date your course starts, you are likely to be eligible. There are a number of special cases in relation to residency requirements that may need further clarity of eligibility. Students who are not eligible to have their fees paid should make direct contact with the College Finance Department to ensure alternative arrangements are put in place prior to starting their course.

All funds will close for applications by the 14th March 2025, or sooner should funds be fully allocated.  All students studying a full-time NC or equivalent course must complete an application in order to have the course fees paid.  Any students who have not completed an application will be issued an invoice to pay the full course costs.

Funding is cash limited and awarded on a first come first served basis, therefore students should not delay when applying or uploading the required evidence.

Students will have a maximum of 6 weeks from the date they start their course to apply and submit all required evidence in order to have their funding backdated.  Applications submitted after the 6 weeks will be assessed from the date the fully completed application and final required evidence is received.  This is in accordance with the Scottish Funding Council policies.