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School pupils from the Colleges Senior Phase Programme celebrate the completion of their airport operations unit with a ‘Wings Award’ ceremony.

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Held at the College’s Clydebank campus last week the students which include pupils from Vale of Leven Academy, Clydebank High, Our Lady and St Patrick, St Peter Apostle and Dumbarton Academy, were presented their certificates by Travel and Tourism Lecturer, Craig Anderson and Fiona Palin, Depute Head from Vale of Leven Academy.

Lecturers Kim White and Craig Anderson who deliver the course commented, “We have had double the number of Schools students this year, who attend as part of the WDC and WCS Schools Senior Phase Programme and they haven't disappointed us.

Combining their studies  with a college qualification they have worked very hard, and this is reflected in their gaining their wings.

Vola Amy a students from Vale of Leven School said, "I'm really enjoying the course and have learned so much. There lecturers are absolutely brilliant and I've really grown in confidence.

It's been a great opportunity to mix with pupils from other schools and I've made some great friends.

'The plan is attend college full-time to study Cabin Crew."

The students will continue with the course after Christmas where they will learn more about the Travel industry.

Check out our Senior Phase Schools programme offering available now as part of your options choices at school.