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We’re thrilled to announce this partnership, securing funding from the Scottish Government for the development and implementation of a Professional Development Awards (PDA) in Adult Learning.

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This collaboration addresses a significant gap identified in the 2020 Community Learning and Development Standards Council paper, ‘Review of Career Pathways for Community Learning and Development’ (CLD) which highlights the absence of a dedicated award for general Adult Learning practice.

This fully funded course aims to equip practitioners with a fundamental understanding of adult learning within the Scottish Policy, knowledge and theoretical back ground of adult leaning, effective methodologies and how to plan and deliver adult learning sessions.  Additionally, it will provide an avenue for individuals who currently work in the sector looking to advance their career in Community Learning and Development, with a specific focus on Adult Learning.

Fiona McKenzie, Head of Learning Communities, Education Pathways and Enhancement at West College Scotland, commented,

This collaboration cements the commitment the College has to enhancing adult learning opportunities.

'We are excited about the potential impact this program will have on the career development of individuals in this sector.”

Jackie Howie, CEO of Learning Links Scotland, said, “This is a great new opportunity for those who are interested in developing their experience of working in the adult learning. It is a unique course which provides support to develop understanding of the ideas and methods used in adult learning and provides an opportunity to put them into practice.”

Jane Logue, Working4U Team Leader, added,

I’m so excited to see this course starting after a lot of hard work by partners. Adult Learning is a very rewarding field to work in and this course is a great way to start out.

Course Details

23 January - 14 May (15 weeks)

6 hours per week

Tuesday 5-8pm at the Clydebank campus and Thursday 5-8pmm online

Funded by the Scottish Government

For more information on this course or to sign up visit: or click here.