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West College Scotland's Ferguslie Learning Centre recently received a batch of laptops, tablets, and MiFi's/Sims from The Good Things Foundation.

Laptop News Item

The Good things Foundation is all about making positive social changes by helping people improve their lives through digital skills, aiming to ensure everyone can use digital tools confidently and safely for a better, happier life.

These digital devices have now been shared with 20 Ferguslie students who didn't have access to suitable tools before. Gerard Lowrie, a Ferguslie student, shared, "This will really help me with my Understanding Mental Health Issues course. I've never had a laptop before, and it will make a massive difference to my life. Thank you so much for giving me this."

Jennifer, another student, also expressed her excitement, "I can use this for my Media course, researching music and podcasts. I usually do this on my phone, so having this laptop is already making a big difference. It's great for helping my kids as well."

Kathleen Brown, Ferguslie Learning Centre Administrator, thanked the Good Things Foundation for providing these devices to community learners. She highlighted how important they are for students in their coursework, research, job searches, and helping their families. She added:

‘Many learners never had a laptop due to the costs, and these devices are expected to be a crucial resource. In a world increasingly using online services, especially since Covid and lockdowns, these devices bridge the gap, making it easier for everyone to access information and apply for jobs.’

West College Scotland’s Ferguslie Learning Centre, located in Renfrewshire, supports students in gaining qualifications, employability skills, and confidence, making a real difference in their lives. To find out more about the courses on offer visit their community pages.