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Staff at West College Scotland’s Greenock Campus Science Department have been putting their analytical minds to a good cause and raising funds for local charities.

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As part of students’ guidance activities the department selected charities to support each block. It’s been a real collaborative effort, with staff across all levels and courses working with their students to raise the cash.


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Suzanne Thompson is Quality Enhancement Lecturer in Greenock, and has been delighted by the department’s response.

“This year we’ve raised money for 4 different charities. As a science department we’re keen to support the amazing things science can do, so the causes we support reflect that. We held a MacMillan Cancer Care coffee morning and a sponsored walk for Jeans for Genes in block one. In block two we supported the British Heart Foundation’s ‘wear it red’ campaign, as well as making additional donations and participating in soap making events together. In block 3 we wanted to support a really local charity, so we organised a bake sale and quiz for Ardgowan Hospice.


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“I think the commitment of the department throughout the year has been fantastic! It’s great to be raising money for a variety of charities, but we’re also working together across different levels and across courses which is great for integrating and motivating everyone in the team.”


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